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My Best Friend

“She was a good friend for me, but I wasn’t”

Along time ago I met a friend, we knew each other since we were classmate when my age 17. But we never talked much thing. And she wasn’t in good condition at that time. She skipped the class almost one semester. She had a problem with her heart. I don’t remember how many times she go to hospital and skipped the class. I was sad, but I did nothing.

It didn’t need years, to be a good friend. I think in my life I never had a good friend who always listen to me or cheer me when I’m sad. But she was. The point I really trusted her is I never see my past in her eyes. The bad days that I think I passed it, never really gone. I always scared to make a friend with people because of it. But, I don’t know why she can hid it. Until I feel that she didn’t exist at that time.

Chatting, calling, saying hello in the beginning day, never forget to say take care and don’t forget to be happy is her daily activity. I remember a day that we made a promise. We promised if we get marry someday and have children we will always available to reach a phone to make a call or chat sometimes.

To my best friend, I know it is short, but I hope you okay with this. And you okay now. I’m okay too, and I pray for the best for you. I’ll tell Allah that you never hurt me. Thanks for everything you taught me. I will always remember you.

Sleep tight my besty…

you can reach everything, but the future is always mystery.
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